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8480 - 旅行急救包

Tradecom Services Pte Ltd

Tradecom Services Pte Ltd
Tradecom takes pride in providing seamless, customisable and well-thought out supply chain solutions for our customers, which closely involve our employees, partners and stakeholders.
Tradecom Services Pte Ltd chose the Travel First Aid Kit as promotional gifts. The complete first aid kit is focused on giving the widest variety of products and having quantities for each that will work in harmony. Amazingly small pouch, lightweight mini kit includes bandaids, sting relief pads, gauze, CPR Kit and refill essentials! Fits perfectly in moms handbag, pocket or backpack or use during air flight travel. The first aid kit is perfect for any occasion or events - family home, kitchen, workplace, schools, dorm room, college students, infants, kids, pool lifeguards, church, but also includes tactical preparedness survival tools for outdoor wilderness adventure travel activities like camping, hiking, fishing, hunting, boats, or bug out bag. Be prepared for disasters, like earthquakes, tornado, flooding, or hurricane relief.
