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6406 - 急救包

Pokka Sapporo Food & Beverage Limited

Pokka Sapporo Food & Beverage Limited
Established in January 1977 by Pokka Sapporo Food & Beverage Limited (previously known as Pokka Corporation Japan), Pokka is a leading food and beverage group in Singapore and the Asia Pacific. The company manufactures and markets a wide range of beverages under the reputed brand name "Pokka" and also owns and operates restaurant chains, serving varied culinary delights.
Pokka Sapporo Food & Beverage Limited selected the first aid kit as gifts. Whether you have a new baby or kids in primary and high school, it is essential that you have an appropriate first aid kit in case in your home and/or car. This first aid kit is designed for emergency use; it includes 10 kinds of basic and essential emergency components. Kit includes: 1pc PBT confirming bandage, 2pcs non-woven dressing pads, 5pcs bandages, 5 small bandages, 1 pc cotton wool balls, 1 pc metal tweezers, 2 pcs disposable gloves, 1 pc first aid tape roll, 4 pcs alcohol prep pad and 1 pc scissors. Lightweight and durable, waterproof bag, fits well in a backpack, school bag or others. The first aid kit is ideal equipment for travel, car, sports, hiking, camping, home and etc.
